Episode 17- A conversation with an English Mason

Episode 17- A conversation with an English Mason


Bro. Matthew Christmas stops by to discuss the differences between English and American Craft Masonry, as well as the differences between the appendant bodies, and the English attitude towards Women and Freemasonry.
Matthew was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge No. 357 on 25th February 1989 (aged 21) and raised on 3rd June 1989. Apollo is the lodge for those at the University of Oxford and he joined in his final year.He is also a Past Master of the Lodge of Honor & Generosity No. 165 in London. He is a past Principal of his Holy Royal Chapter, Apollo University Chapter No. 357, he is a PM and is Secretary of the University Lodge of Mark Masters No. 55 and is a Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden of the Province of Oxfordshire. He is a Past Commander Noah and is Scribe of the Oxford University Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No.55 and a holder of RAM Provincial Grand Rank. He is a Past Thrice Illustrious Master of the Royal and Select Masters (Cryptic Rite).
He is a Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden in the Royal Order of Scotland. He is a Past Preceptor of the Preceptory (formerly Encampment) of Coeur de Lion No. 29 in the Knights Templar and a Past Provincial Herald, as well as being a Knight of Malta. He wrote its 150th anniversary history. He is a Past Most Wise Sovereign of the Grand Metropolitan Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of Heredom, Ancient & Accepted Rite (He wrote its 150th anniversary history also) and he is First General of the Oxford and Cambridge University Chapter No. 45. He is 30th Degree. (There are big differences in how 30-32 degrees are awarded in England which we discuss). He is the current Most Puissant Sovereign of the University Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine.
He is also a member of the Order of the Secret Monitor, Operatives, SRIA, Knight Templar Priests, the Allied Masonic Degrees and the Commemorative Order of St Thomas of Acon. He is a member of a Display Team working the KTP Appendant Degrees. He is a former Writer of the University Board of Corks and a founder of a Fleet Board of Corks in London. He has written articles on ritual and degrees for Freemasonry Today and has lectured on rites and ritual connections around the country. He is a former Trustee and Governor of the Royal Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys. He is a former teacher and Headmaster. He is now Head of Stakeholder Engagement at a leading educational charity.  He has an MA from the University of Oxford and is a former Major in the Territorial Army within the Royal Regiment of Artillery. He also is a former member of the British Debating Team and has toured the USA debating three times (He has been to 34 states).



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